Part 8 Chapter 1

Definition of Explanation Text
Explanation text is one type of text in English that describes a process.

Explanation Text Structure
Reporting from Literacy Ideas, the structure of this text is:

Every article must have a title and the type of explanation text is no exception.
For titles with this type of text, you don't need to beat around the bush.
You only need to provide a title that matches the content of the article, such as “What causes a Tsunami?”, “Why are our rain forests disappearing?” or “The process of making aluminum”.

>Opening Statement
The purpose of writing with the type of explanation text, of course, is to provide valid information and facts for the readers.Therefore, you really need to include a strong opening statement in writing and if you can, you must include evidence such as journals or articles that have been verified.In the opening statement, you can also write down the identification of the process to be explained.Focus on the process of a phenomenon that you want to explain and avoid too much to include the small things involved in a phenomenon.

In creating an article, write it in the form of short paragraphs and divide it into several parts.Do not let the reader dizzy to read paragraphs that are too long. Also use the relationship by inserting the cause and effect of a phenomenon or event.

If everything has been discussed, don't forget to write a conclusion or conclusion from the information you provide.This way your writing will be considered more valid.

In explaining a process, usually you will need visuals such as pictures, photos, diagrams, and so on to clarify the content of the writing.You can also insert videos to make your writing more informative.

Characteristics of Explanation Text
So that you are not confused, there are several special characteristics of explanation text that distinguish it from other types of writing.

1. Because this type of writing discusses facts, the tense used is the simple present tense.
2. The use of action verbs which are verbs used to describe an action that is taking place. For example: do, make, create, and so on.
3. Writing in this type of text uses passive voice which aims to emphasize the focus on the happenings rather than the subject.
4. Using noun phrases.
5. Using technical terms. Technical Terms are technical terms that are in accordance with the contents of the articles discussed
